Thursday 31 July 2014

My offical plans after PSLE!

Wheee! Breezed past my tres easy english prelim oral tdy! Whoo! TMR got Chinese oral! Majore yikes! 
But after the national exam, PSLE, JY, DS, HY and me and going out! Watch movie...Shop for tres chic clothes...Go ice skating...Study and drink in Starbucks[YES!] and so on... BUT, HY does not like spending money on stuff unlike JY and me! My bestie! DS is the middle. XD. HY likes saving money. The 'kua' kid. Teachers pet of Mrs Ping Pang. LOL. JY is the same character as me. After PSLE, we are going popular, the paper stone, typo. To buy
~A new schoolbag[same one]
~A new pencil case[same too!]
~New highlighters
~A 24 pack of Sarasa pen
Yes! Cant wait! XDDDDD

Tuesday 29 July 2014


YAY! They were free and met them in starbucks for 2 hour. Did homework there too. Tried cotton candy frappe introduced by JY. Yesss! Staying back in school for 3 hr to play basketball tmr. WOO LALA! MAJOR HEARTS! Just finish a HUGE pile of homework. after 4 and a half hours. Freaking tired! TTYS 


Monday 28 July 2014


Hey people! Its just me and my books. A MAJOR exam coming up soon. A national one. -sigh-
Stress. Feel like drinking a green tea latte from Starbucks with besties
, JY,HY and DS.

Hope they are free to have a chat! Fingers crossed!